So Many Varieties of Sunflowers- Which Is Your Perfect Fit?

One of the things I love about this time of year is all the sunflowers! There is something so cheery and uplifting about sunflowers- whether there is a giant field of them or a cute little patch by the side of the road. They’re great in summer or fall- I’d take sunflowers all year if I could!
When we lived in Santaquin, one year my son REALLY wanted to plant sunflowers. We looked at a few different varieties and he bigged the BIG ones. We dedicated a whole garden box to these giant flowers, and it was quite cheery to look out and see a whole garden box full of several foot tall sunflowers that were bigger than your face! I wish I could find a picture, but alas, they eluded me. But suffice it to say, they were a cheery addition to our yard that year!
If you’d like the cheery addition of sunflowers to your yard or flower pot, read on for some varieties to look into!

If you are actually wanting a super tall sunflower, there’s quite a variety! Skyscraper, Sunforest Mix, American Giant, and Russian Mammoth are all varieties of sunflowers that are BIG. We’re talking like 10-15 feet tall. And of course, that also means that the flower itself is large. Whether it’s a whole foot across or 40 inches!! These would be a fun way to fill a field or even to plant in the corner of a yard.
If you’re not wanting something quite that big, there are still so many choices! There are many varieties of dwarf sunflowers that can help you enjoy sunflowers without feeling like you’re in over your head ;).

Suntastic Yellow is a very basic, beautiful sunflower that grows in packs. This is probably the type of sunflower you see when looking up sunflowers because it’s simple yet elegant with its bright yellow petals and simple brown center. They only get 1 to 2 feet high, so a much more manageable height for landscaping a smaller property! You can also get 5-8 blooms from one stem, so they’re a great filler for bouquets and small gardens.

Pacino Flowers are another similar variety that look great in bouquets or in planters around your property. They grow a little smaller than Suntastic Yellows, at 12-16 inches, so they might be a better choice if you’re really limited on space!

If you’re wanting something a little more unique, Little Becka sunflowers are a beautiful choice. They have an almost “halo” look to them, and are still on the smaller side growing at only 1-2 feet. This is such a fun way to add more color to your garden!

Don’t these just look so cozy?! If you’re wanting something way more unique, Teddy Bear Sunflowers still have that beautiful bright yellow color, but with a lot more “fuzziness!” I can see why they named this the Teddy Bear sunflower- I just want to snuggle it! They grow 2-3 feet tall, and they are an edible flower so they’re great for decorating cakes, salad toppings, or just a fun dinner decor!

If you like the look of a colored sunflower, then this Moulin Rouge variety would be a great choice! It has a beautiful deep burgundy color that won’t fade in the sun. It also grows to be about 4 feet tall, so definitely taller than your dwarf varieties, but a little more manageable than the super tall varieties. This is a highly sought after sunflower, so do your shopping early in the planting season!
Which variety is your favorite? Share in the comments below!
Camille Hoffmann
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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