Just Imagine The Good That Cook'n Readers Can Do!
Today I’d like to add to Matthew’s timely article from last week’s newsletter, 12 New Year's Resolutions that Aren't Diet and Exercise. I want to insert one more suggestion to his list.

I’ll do so by way of this introduction: This world is becoming more and more harsh, dangerous, shallow, and self-centered. It’s getting more and more difficult to experience inner peace and joy. We’re bombarded daily with political antagonisms, incessant bad news from so-called world affairs experts, and crass TV commercials screaming at us that we need MORE (no matter how much we already have), that we need BIGGER and BETTER (no matter how recently something was purchased), and that we absolutely need NEW and IMPROVED (no matter how well what we already have is working).

Introduction continued: As I’ve aged, I’ve become more convinced than ever that we are absolutely NOT here to be important/popular, to seek wealth and prestige, to spend life accumulating stuff, or to obsess over how we look. We are not here to slop around in self-indulgence and competition (who CARES how many LIKES or comments my articles—how does that help others or improve the world in any significant way?).

Introduction concluded: I do not give a rat’s rump about any of this, and I’ll bet you anything our world’s “Higher Power” doesn’t either. What I DO care about, however, leads me to that “one more suggestion” for Matt’s list (mentioned above).
I suggest spending a little time every single week cooking or baking something for someone else. When you make a pot of soup for your Saturday night supper, make extra and take it to a friend or neighbor. When you make brownies, make extra for your pastor and his wife. The next time you bake bread, run a loaf out to the garbage man when he stops to pick up your trash. When you bake cookies, package some up and leave them in the mailbox for your mailman/lady. You get the idea.

When I say EVERY SINGLE WEEK, I mean exactly that. In other words, cooking and baking for others will become a routine—it will show up on the “What I want to accomplish this week” list, EVERY week of 2024. If this idea is embraced and actually acted on, there’ll be some incredible results—I promise:

Since I’m likely preaching to the choir, I know you can add to this list—it can go on and on. There is no end to the blessings that come when we think about and reach out to others. This is my story and I’m sticking to it.
Thank you for listening and hopefully considering the idea. Just imagine what changes we’d see in our world—the good we could do, if every COOK’N reader followed through on this practice! Together, we CAN turn things around (right where we live), one neighbor and one plate or bowl of something, every week! Let’s DO this!

I’ll do so by way of this introduction: This world is becoming more and more harsh, dangerous, shallow, and self-centered. It’s getting more and more difficult to experience inner peace and joy. We’re bombarded daily with political antagonisms, incessant bad news from so-called world affairs experts, and crass TV commercials screaming at us that we need MORE (no matter how much we already have), that we need BIGGER and BETTER (no matter how recently something was purchased), and that we absolutely need NEW and IMPROVED (no matter how well what we already have is working).

Introduction continued: As I’ve aged, I’ve become more convinced than ever that we are absolutely NOT here to be important/popular, to seek wealth and prestige, to spend life accumulating stuff, or to obsess over how we look. We are not here to slop around in self-indulgence and competition (who CARES how many LIKES or comments my articles—how does that help others or improve the world in any significant way?).

Introduction concluded: I do not give a rat’s rump about any of this, and I’ll bet you anything our world’s “Higher Power” doesn’t either. What I DO care about, however, leads me to that “one more suggestion” for Matt’s list (mentioned above).
I suggest spending a little time every single week cooking or baking something for someone else. When you make a pot of soup for your Saturday night supper, make extra and take it to a friend or neighbor. When you make brownies, make extra for your pastor and his wife. The next time you bake bread, run a loaf out to the garbage man when he stops to pick up your trash. When you bake cookies, package some up and leave them in the mailbox for your mailman/lady. You get the idea.

When I say EVERY SINGLE WEEK, I mean exactly that. In other words, cooking and baking for others will become a routine—it will show up on the “What I want to accomplish this week” list, EVERY week of 2024. If this idea is embraced and actually acted on, there’ll be some incredible results—I promise:
- Personal joy and contentment right off the bat—doing for others always fosters this
- Recipients feeling cared for and their hearts touched
- Light and love permeating from your thoughtfulness and generosity, which encourages others to think of others (the Pass-It-On phenomenon)
- Relationships are enhanced and strengthened
- Children/grandchildren are inspired by this tender example and may well follow suit
- Connectivity—which can mean less loneliness, discouragement, and hopelessness

Since I’m likely preaching to the choir, I know you can add to this list—it can go on and on. There is no end to the blessings that come when we think about and reach out to others. This is my story and I’m sticking to it.
Thank you for listening and hopefully considering the idea. Just imagine what changes we’d see in our world—the good we could do, if every COOK’N reader followed through on this practice! Together, we CAN turn things around (right where we live), one neighbor and one plate or bowl of something, every week! Let’s DO this!
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
Email the author! alice@dvo.com