Pulled Pork Tostadas

Pulled pork sandwich meets tostada in this tasty detour featuring tostadas stacked with smoked gouda cheese, tender pulled pork, coleslaw, and a quick BBQ sauce.

Yield: ]
Serving size: 6

3 pounds pork pulled pork
coleslaw your choice
smoked gouda shredded
BBQ sauce

6 tablespoons Sweet Baby Ray’s (or BBQ sauce of your choice)

Place tostada on a plate.

Sprinkle on shredded smoked gouda cheese.

Add a generous amount of pulled pork.

Add desired amount of coleslaw.

Drizzle with the Quick BBQ Sauce and dig in.


This is one of those "non-recipes" that doesn't advise specific amounts of each component, though a 3-4 pork butt should feed between 6-8 people. When I make this recipe, I think about who will be enjoying pulled pork with me. If it's two, I prepare enough garnishes for two (coleslaw, shredded cheese, BBQ sauce) and plan another use for leftover pulled pork.

Source: midwexican.com

Recipe formatted with the Cook'n Recipe Software from DVO Enterprises.

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