How to beat higher food prices
I noticed that my son Danny and his wife and daughter came down with the sniffles again recently. This seems to happen frequently with them. I said "are you eating oranges and other fruits and vegetables? You need to make that a priority because, if you do, you won't get sick so often!"
Danny replied and said "Do you know how much fresh fruit and vegetables cost these days?"
I think it's safe to say that rising grocery prices are affecting all of us in many ways. That's one of the reasons I was so interested to read the news article in the Washington Post entitled "Food companies feel the pain as consumers reject higher prices."

Apparently, due to rising food prices, consumers are pushing back. They're rejecting the higher prices and getting smart with their grocery purchases. Perhaps that is part of the reason why we are seeing an uptick in Cook'n usage and subscriptions.
Savvy consumers know that going to the grocery store with a shopping list in hand saves money. Those who make a menu plan and a shopping list tend to go to the store less often. And, they tend to spend less money on impulse purchases.
Cook'n is a great tool for preparing menus and shopping lists. The 5-Day Meal Plan that we send in the Cook'n Newsletter each week takes the hassle factor out of menu planning! And, when you can make your shopping list in Cook'n with a simple click or two, it becomes a no-brainer to turn to Cook'n for help!
Cook'n also helps you make good use of leftovers and helps you figure out what to do with the food you have on-hand thereby reducing waste.
But, I think the largest cost-saving benefit that Cook'n provides is that those who use Cook'n regularly tend to eat out less. We all know that resorting to Uber Eats and fast food in a pinch is expensive and it really adds up. But, when it's dinnertime and you're's easy to say justify it and say "just this once."
When you're running behind schedule and trying to figure out what to make for dinner at the last minute...that's where Cook'n REALLY comes in handy. The amazing recipe Discovery features in Cook'n make it easy for you to find something delicious that you can make in a hurry with the food you already have on-hand.
In the Discover view, Cook'n A.I. is recommending recipes that are a perfect match for your personal taste preferences. The Recently Made recipes section features delicious, mouth-watering, kitchen-tested, proven recipes posted by Cook'n users. And, the Trending Today ticker shows you what recipes are most interesting to the Cook'n Community. With mouth-watering options like this, eating out suddenly doesn't seem as appealing!
At least, that's what we're hearing from our customers. Perhaps that's why so many people are starting to jump on the Cook'n bandwagon!
For example, just today, my brother Brian sent this photo. He used Cook'n to help him make a big batch of burritos to throw in the freezer.

Now, when he's running behind and the kids are asking "what's for dinner?" he can just grab a few burritos out of the freezer, pop them in the microwave, and...badabing! Dinner is served!
And, when you consider that a Burrito Supreme at Taco Bell costs $4.99 and these homemade burritos that my brother made probably cost him $.50 each (and they're made with real meat!) you can see where the savings really add up!
It's pretty clear that, if Cook'n saves you from just one Fast Food meal per month, you're gonna recoup your $5 monthly membership fee right there. But, the reality is that Cook'n is saving families much more than that.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2022, the average American household spent 12.8% of its annual expenditures on food, which is the third largest category of household spending. This was an increase of 12.7% from 2021, with food away from home spending increasing by 20.1% and food at home spending increasing by 8.4%. The 2022 increase was the largest 12-month percentage increase for food at home since March 1979, and the largest for food away from home since October 1981.
That's why se see memes like this emerging:

With these astronomical rises in food prices, consumers are starting to be proactive and put a strategy together to fight back. And, Cook'n users are leading the way!
For example, currently, the average American family is spending just over $1,000 per month on food. Cook'n users are smart. They figured out that if Cook'n can help them save 10% ($100) per month, it's easy to justify the $5 per month Cook'n membership.
And saving 10% per month is easy when you consider that Cook'n makes it easy for you to eat more home-cooked meals. With the menu planning and grocery shopping features, many people are saving 20% to 30% each month! If you don't believe me, just launch Cook'n on your mobile phone and take a look at the recipes in the Discover View! You'll see why it's so easy to get inspired with Cook'n!
If you don't have your Cook'n Membership yet, get smart, join the family, sign up today and let the savings begin!
Dan Oaks
Founder of DVO Enterprises
Creator of Cook'n
Father of 5. Husband of 1.
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
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