Humble Plastic Wrap Can Save Us LOTS of Headaches!
Jill Nystul, of, has done it again. Saran wrap, cellophane, cling film… whatever you call it, she tells us how to get the most out of our plastic wrap with her 9 her clever ideas. Even if you’re not using it to pack lunches for school or work these days, her suggestions might entice you to keep a roll in your kitchen drawer.
PREVENT BANANAS FROM OVER-RIPENING. Though we would never turn our nose up at overripe bananas (banana bread, anyone?), sometimes it’s nice to be able to snack on them. To keep that opportunity alive, just wrap a little piece of cling wrap around the stems of the bananas. This slows the escape of ethylene gases that cause bananas to ripen faster than you’d like.

KEEP FRIDGE SHELVES CLEAN. Taking the shelves out of your fridge to scrub sticky messes can be a real pain. Instead, cover the top of each shelf with cling wrap. Then when there’s a spill or they start to look grimy, you can peel it off and replace it. So much easier!
REMOVE STUBBORN STICKERS. Don’t we detest those tenacious price tags and labels that leave behind a sticky mess of glue and paper? Jillee says to cover the offending residue with a wet paper towel, then cover it in plastic wrap until the residue softens. Those sticky bits will rub right off! (Hallelujah!)

FIX DRAFTY WINDOWS. Are the “old bones” of your home allowing drafts to sneak in through your windows? Insert some bunched up plastic wrap into cracks to help keep the cold out. (You could also cover the whole window in cling film if you don’t mind how it looks.) This makes an especially useful solution for drafty wooden windows that have warped over time.
PREVENT SCREEN SMUDGES. Jillee shares a frustration I bet you’ve experienced as well: “Whether I’m looking up a recipe or sharing what I’m having for lunch on Facebook or Instagram, I often need to use my phone while I’m in the kitchen. I would repeatedly find myself wiping splatters and smudges off my screen!” She says she finally wised up and started wrapping her phone in plastic wrap each time she knows she’ll be using it in the kitchen. Smart lady.

PREVENT SUITCASE SPILLS. If you’ve ever opened your suitcase to discover that your shampoo or lotion bottle exploded, you know how devastating that mess can be! But you can easily prevent this from happening by removing the lids from your toiletry bottles, covering the openings with a piece of plastic wrap, then replacing the lids. This little trick saves lots of headaches!
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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