Stargazing - Keep Your Family Connected
With the temperature soaring up above 100 degrees every afternoon, I find myself wanting to hide indoors. For some reason the hot temperatures do not seem to deter my children's desire for spending time outside. They would stay out all day long if I let them run the hose.
My husband and I try to spend each evening in the backyard with the kids when the temperature is more tolerable. We have found that a great way for the kids to unwind after a hot day in the sun is stargazing. We lay out a big blanket on the lawn as the sun is going down. We put our pillows in the center and lay on our backs, head to head and watch the stars slowly come out. My husband tells stories about the stars that he learned in his college astronomy class (I don't know how much of them are true-but it doesn't matter).
Stargazing is a great way to end your day with your children. Not only does it allow you to be outside as a family when the temperature isn't boiling, but it also gives you time to connect with your kids.
Grab some books on stars from your library and see what you can discover.