Apples, Lemons, and Bananas
Another way to keep apples from turning dark is to use an apple slicer. ( the kind you put over the apple and push down to slice, like Pampered Chef offers) After you have done this don’t separate the slices, pull the sliced apple back together and put a rubber band around it until lunch time. My daughter told me this trick, it really works. Her children didn’t like the taste of lemon juice on their apples.
Vickie Reese
An interesting note about the article about putting vitamin c on the apple slices:
My children and I were studying nutrition and the importance of vitamins in our food. We sliced a banana, and placed several slices on a paper plate. We placed the other slices on a second paper plate. We crushed a vitamin C tablet (or use any vitamin c juice - lemon juice, orange juice) and sprinkled it on the slices on the second paper plate, leaving the slices on the first paper plate alone.
Periodically throughout the day, we checked on the plates. The untouched banana slices became brown, then, black, slimy and nasty while the slices with vitamin C were near perfect.
This showed us the importance of a nutritious diet, to maintain and preserve our body's health.
Rejoice! Phil 4:4
MelRae Ambs in Tx