Since then, I've become a much better 'shopper' and save a significant amount of time and money by shopping smart on the Internet. For example, the other day, I bought three extra books that I didn't even know that I needed in order to get free shipping on I really showed them!
Dusty in the office told me that he and his wife decided to do the majority of their Christmas shopping on the Internet this year. He said that the savings are just as good if not better than those that you find on the day after Thanksgiving. And, you don't have to freeze your patooty off at 4:00am and fight the other crazy shoppers.
That sounds like a pretty good idea. Kathy and I are going to do the same thing this holiday. So, the question I have for you is simple, how much Internet shopping do you plan to do this year?
When you cast your vote, please add a Comment and share any tricks or secret web sites that you happen to know of to help the rest of us! Visit the
Cook'n Club Forum for an expanded discussion and more Internet shopping secret tips!
Happy Shopping!