
Poll Results
In last month's issue of the HomeCook'n newsletter we asked, "Is Organic Eating a Trend? Are You In?" Here are the results:
Is Organic Eating a Trend? Are You In?
It's definately a trend. I'll stick to the old way. (23) |
18% |
It's the new way, but I'm not changing! (17) |
13% |
It's a trend, but I'm up for the change. (27) |
21% |
It's here to stay and I'm on board! (60) |
47% |
Total Votes: 127
Actually, eating organic IS the old way. I am very happy to go back to it.
What better way to get fresh than your local farmers market.
I put I'm up for the change, but my husband and I have always tried to eat more orgqnic for the last 10 years or so. This isn't a big change for us.
Pesticides can be linked to many of today's health issues and we know how to grow/ raise food without adding poison/gene altering chemicals, so why use dangerous stuff in/on our food.
organic eating is the OLD way... before chemicals
New! I don't think so! My family always raises their own garden "goodie's", canned and ate very, very well for generations. I say it's back to basics and cheaper as well if you raise your own!
Anyone raised on a small family farm, as I was, knows what organic truely means. The big time farming industry hasn't got a clue. They are only throwing around the term "organic" to jack up the price of their products. Some of which were already overpriced to start with. Anyone who wants organic food should grow or raise it themselves. By the by, I saw a sign at a local farm supply store saying they had, for the low, low price of $29.99, "organic fertilizer for $29.99". I decided not to get a scoop. How much more organic can you get than manure? Hmmmmm???
I try to buy organic when I have the option. I would prefer to just have my own garden and provide my own "organic" foods.
I was listening to John Tesh on the Radio and experts say that organic isn't any better for you than what you have been getting, so I will stick to what tastes better.
Organic is the only way to go. The more that go Organic maybe it won't be so pricey.
I think it is the better way, but I can't afford to buy organic
I prefer fresh fruits and vegetables without all the chemical additives that do more harm than good.
The Less Chemicle you take in the better it is for you.
They called it being 'Granola' in the 70's! Eating organic has always been around, but I believe people are more than ever interested in good health. We are living longer and stronger and I believe we are what we eat. And apparently the rest of the world is believing that too. (P.S. I love this newsletter and all the articles!)
there was a time I had a garden and kids to help me tend. now no kids so I love my farmers market!
I try to eat organic when I can get it. We also grow a lot of our own food which is organic and we buy locally which is usually organic too.
Husband does the garden thing with no pestcides. We've been organic for a very long time and won't chanage.
organic products are to expensive to but all the time.
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