Cook'n Customers are the BEST!

Last Monday, I was going to visit my Mom with my son Carson. We were heading there to show her how to ride the new ebike that we got for her. Mom is 84 years old but you wouldn't know it to watch her ride this bike!

As we were heading to my Mom's house, I got a notification on my phone that someone was at our front door ringing the doorbell. Kathy was out shopping for a wedding dress for my daughter Brennah and nobody else was home. So, I answered the door on my phone and said "Hi! Can I help you?"

To my surprise, it was a Cook'n customer!

She said "Hi! my name is Cheri Woodmansee..." and then she began to explain who she was and said that she has been a Cook'n customer since 1993 but I had to interrupt her. Of course I knew who Cheri Woodmansee was!

She said that she and her husband were in town and they were about to head back home to Texas but she wanted to stop by to see if there really is a "wizard behind the curtain." She said that she wanted to see the DVO Command Center! I told her that I am definitely real but explained that, unfortunately, nobody was home!

She told me how grateful she was for Cook'n and me and my wife Kathy and for the newsletters and videos that we do, etc. She said that Cook'n has been a key part of her life for thirty years now and explained that she uses Cook'n and her daughter uses Cook'n and it has made a huge difference in their lives. Cook'n was so impactful that she wanted to meet me and thank me for making it!

Referring to the epic, live release of Cook'n Version 15, she said "After 35 years in computers, my husband wanted to meet the man who was brave enough to do a live release- not done in the industry."

Of course, I was honored that she would take time on her trip to stop by. And, I was sad that I missed her and her husband!

She asked if I would mind if she took a photo of the house so she could show her daughter. I told her that I wouldn't mind at all and she was more than welcome to take as many photos as she liked! I told her that she was welcome to walk around to the back to see the chickens and collect the eggs if she wanted to! "Mi casa es su casa" I said.

We had a fun time chatting. I can't remember all the things that were said and it was a little hard to hear everything Cheri was saying because we were talking through the speaker on the front door. But, her appreciation for Cook'n was sincere and it was quite an honor that something I created was so meaningful to her that she would stop by.

I was so surprised and honored. I thought "Kathy is never going to believe this!" so I snapped the screenshot pictured above.

Cook'n customers are the best!

When Shellie Specter saw the pot roast video that I posted in the newsletter a few weeks ago, she was so concerned that she wrote the following letter and mailed it to me:

I sent her an email in reply and said:

Hi Shellie,

I just received the letter that you sent about the dangers of excess sodium. Thank you so much for taking the time to send this warning message with its cautionary tale!

Fortunately, I do very little cooking in our home. Kathy does most of the cooking in our house and she skimps on the salt. Perhaps that's why I overcompensate when I cook!

And, thankfully, I am the model of excellent health. My blood tests and medical examinations show that I don't have any high blood pressure or kidney problems. Whew!

I only say this so you can rest easy knowing that I am not in danger.

But, this is definitely something for me to keep in mind. Thank you again for your concern!!! I am so grateful that you and others are watching out for me! Thank you!!

Best wishes,


How amazing is this? To think that someone would take the time to write a letter out of concern for my health and mail it is really something special.

I am so grateful for all of you! Thank you for your love and support for me and my family all these years.

Last week, I went to Brooklyn's wedding reception. Brooklyn is the amazing tech support agent who responds to the messages sent to the support department at DVO. When I told her that we were going to miss her while she was away on her honeymoon, I said "Wait! Let's take a quick picture so we can send it to the Cook'n customers and let them know about your wedding!" So, we snapped this photo:

The idea to snap a photo like this is something you would have for a family member. Brooklyn and I (and all of the other Cook'n Elves for that matter) feel that way about you! We love you like family and appreciate you. Thank you for being such a fun part of our lives!

The truth is...I can't think of another company in which the users of the app and the creator of the app have a bond as strong as ours. Can you think of one?

    Dan Oaks
    Founder of DVO Enterprises
    Creator of Cook'n
    Father of 5. Husband of 1.
    Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
    Email the author!

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