I Ate Dead Fly PASTA
(and other horror stories)
By Sydney Hill
By Sydney Hill

I write this for one reason and one reason only....
Tonight for my dinner, I decided to cook up some pasta because I had leftover sauce I needed to use. I was really looking forward to it. It's a yummy sauce and I was going to pour Parmesan all over it (the grated kind, oh yeah.) Mmm, Mmm it was going to be delicious. And you know what? It was. I boiled that pasta, drained it, smothered it in sauce, sprinkled it with that greatest of cheeses and let my mouth have it.
Even better, It was shell pasta, so each bite I popped in oozed with creamy goodness. It was perfect.
Ha ha ha.... so I thought. Dun dun dun......
I had cooked too much pasta, so I decided to put it in a bag and have it some other night. Spoonful by spoonful the pasta dropped in the bag. And then, there was this charred piece of pasta...or was it? I held the spoon closer to my face and I almost lost my dinner right where I was standing.
There, curled up in a shell, was a dead, black, gross, disgusting, house fly. The fly that had been buzzing around my house all day had met it's end by flying into my boiling pot of pasta without my knowledge. That sneaky thing. Curiosity killed the cat, and the housefly, and it made Sydney want to hurl.
I tossed it all and washed my mouth with water, but the damage was done. I ate dead fly pasta, and there was nothing I could do about it.
I guess it's good that I didn't actually eat it! Unless it brought in a friend I didn't know about... EWWWW!!!
I know everyone has their moments. I've heard of someone camping who went to drink their soda and ended up with a bee in their mouth. Another time, I drank from one of those cups with a built in straw and slurped out an old piece of mac n- cheese! Again, I almost hurled.
So, the other horror stories will be provided by you. (Don't be shy, we want to hear it!) You're the author now. Make us laugh, make us cry. Whatever you want to do. Please Share in the comments below! I can't wait to hear it, I know there will be some GREAT Stories!
- https://www.thehouseflychronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/IMG_1675-300x224.jpg
Sydney Hill
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2012