The potato is probably one of the most versatile foods in the world. It can be mashed, baked, boiled, fried, or eaten raw. Potatoes can be used in side dishes, like mashed potatoes and fries, as main dishes like baked potatoes, in drinks like potato vodka and in various other foods like bread and even ice cream. Yes, even ice cream. Not only is this delicious starch good for cooking, but there are also many different day to day uses for it. Check out this list of things you may or may not have known that you could do with this incredible spud.

Hidden Healing Powers:
- Who knew you could juice a potato? Although the thought of drinking the juice from a potato doesn't sound very appealing, the benefits out way the taste. The juice can help alleviate the pain caused by ulcers, help heal sprains, gout, heart burn, bruises and flush out toxins in the body. It can also help with sciatica and spasmodic upper body pain. The juice is easy to make, first clean the potatoes then put them in a juicer, complete with skins. You can add different vegetables to make the juice taste better if you want.
- Not only is the potato good for pain, but it's also good for your skin. If you have blackheads, whiteheads, or acne a potato can help. There are two different ways to use the potato. One way is to cut a potato in half and rubbing the inside part on the affected area; leave the juice on for 30 seconds and rinse. If you don't want to rub a potato on your face, turn it into a mask. To do this blend the potatoes in a blender and apply the mask. Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse off. If you have puffy eyes cut a raw potato and place the cold slices on your eyes.
- Remove warts by rubbing a raw potato on the wart, leave the juice on the area and repeat daily until the wart is gone.
- Potatoes make great hot and cold compresses because they retain heat and cold well. To make a potato compress boil a potato, wrap it in a towel and apply to the affected area. If you need a cold compress refrigerate the boiled potato.
In The Arts:
- As someone who likes to take pictures, I found this fact interesting. Before color film and digital cameras, was a thing called Autochrome. This was the principal way to develop color photos before film was introduced. It uses tiny microscopic grains of potato starch to develop the photos.
- Potatoes can also be used in art. Their unusual shapes and sizes can be seen as works of art. Potatoes have been featured in sculptures and in paintings, including Van Gogh's "The Potato Eaters."
- Create your own art with homemade potato stamps. This easy do-it-yourself craft is fun for the whole family. All you need is a raw potato, cut into cubes or halves. Carve whatever shapes you like in the pieces of potato.
Other Interesting Uses:
- If your soup is too salty add some chunks of potato to soak up the excess salt.
- If you have stains on your hands rub a piece of potato on the stains to get rid of them. This works well on berry stains.
- Do you like skiing or snowboarding? Hate fogged up goggles; rub a raw potato over your goggles before hitting the snow and you'll be fog free.
- Make your shoes shine like new. If you cut a potato in half and rub it on your shoes before you shine them, they will really sparkle!
- To shine silverware boil potatoes and then put your silverware in the water for about an hour, rinse with water and then polish. They'll look brand new.
- Help plants grow! Carve a small hole in a raw potato, place the stem of a plant inside and then plant the whole potato.
- Create a floral arrangement. If you cut a potato lengthwise and place cut-side down. Poke the holes where you want to place the flowers.
The potato is amazing both in the kitchen and out of it! If you've ever tried any of these things, or used a potato for anything else let us know!
Whitney Saupan
Weekly Newsletter Contributer since 2013