What in the World is a Woofum?

Summer is right around the corner and that means it’s time to start planning camping trips! Of course, one of the most important things to think about when planning your trip is the food. Sure, everyone loves the classics like s’mores, hotdogs, and plain old toasted marshmallows. But maybe it’s time to mix things up a bit. Perhaps you should try roasting things like Starbursts and Woofums. You might be wondering what that last one was. Well, my dear reader, that’s what this whole article is about. What in the world is a Woofum?
Let’s start at the beginning. I personally thought that a Woofum was something one of my friends invented. I had never heard of one until I was invited to a Woofum party. Turns out that lots of people make Woofums. (Is it just me or does the name sound like something you might name your dog? When I first heard Woofum I pictured a fluffy little pooch named “Mr. Woofums”. It also kind of sounds like something you might feed your furry little friend. Luckily for us, this isn’t the case.) You might be thinking “ENOUGH! JUST TELL ME WHAT A WOOFUM IS!” Okay, okay, calm down... Here’s what a Woofum is: a fire baked biscuit turned into a cup using a Woofum stick that you then fill with all sorts of goodness. Basically it’s the best thing to hit campfires since s’mores!
The only actual ingredient that you must have is refrigerated biscuit dough (the kind that comes in the can) or bread dough.
You can choose which filling ingredients you’d like to use. I’m pretty sure there is no way you could go wrong.
- Chocolate: Kisses, Rolos, chocolate squares, anything you want. I really want to try a peanut butter cup!
- Yogurt: Vanilla or plain yogurt works the best, but any flavor will work.
- Pudding: If you aren’t a fan of yogurt try replacing it with pudding. Again any flavor will taste good.
- Pie filling: I’ve never made a Woofum with pie filling, but it seems to be pretty popular.
- Whipped cream: This can be used in place of the pudding or yogurt or added on top. It’s easiest to use the kind in the can.
- Fresh or frozen chopped fruit: Raspberries and strawberries are really yummy on top!
- Fresh or frozen chopped fruit: Raspberries and strawberries are really yummy on top!
Materials you’ll need:

- A fire pit or campfire: These are camping treats after all!
- Woofum Sticks: See the picture above. I won’t even pretend to know how to make these. You can go online and find lots of different ways to make them. You can also purchase Woofum sticks. If you don’t have a Woofum stick you just need to use something that you can wrap the dough around and still have a whole in the middle. Basically you’re turning the dough into a cup.
Now it’s time to make a Woofum:
- 1. Pop open that can of biscuit dough. Once it’s open grab a biscuit out and wrap it around your Woofum stick. You’ll be forming a cup or cone type deal, so you’ll want to make sure that the bottom doesn’t have a hole. Optional: If you’re feeling adventurous you can add a Rolo or Kiss on top of the Woofum stick, before you cover it with dough. The chocolate will melt onto the bottom of your cup/cone and you’ll have a chocolaty surprise.
- 2. Start cooking your biscuit over the fire. You’ll want to keep out of the direct heat. It works best if you rotate the Woofum slowly. Be patient, you want the dough to cook all the way through. It takes about 10 minutes.
- 3. Once your campfire treat has turned a nice golden brown remove from the fire and take it off the Woofum stick. Be careful, it’ll be hot!
- 4. Fill up your Woofum with the toppings of your choice, you can use the list above or try something completely new! I like to put a Rolo in the bottom (like in step 1), add some yogurt, fruit, and whipped cream to top it all off.
- 5. Enjoy and repeat!
Now you can go make these fun new treats for yourself. Once you do you’ll see why they’re called Woofums: everybody “Woofs them down”! What other campfire treats do you like to make? Leave it in the comments below!
- https://woofum.com/Making.html
- https://camping.about.com/od/recipes/r/ucrec458.htm
- https://www.woofum.com/
- https://snapguide.com/guides/cook-and-make-woofums/
- https://snapguide.com/guides/make-woofum-sticks/
- https://www.woofumstix.com/page9.html
- https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_wSUCnuQvkZk/S1kM4MeDyZI/AAAAAAAABLk/QI_OzVq-6_w/s400/DSC_0426.JPG
- https://d74bwl3dcueqd.cloudfront.net/images/guide/34334ada40194ee9897862a04bd13bc0/315x500_ac.jpg
Whitney Saupan
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2013
Email the author! whitney@dvo.com