Tasty in Your Tummy and Fun on the Eyes!

A couple years ago I posted about some of the fun and crazy April Fool’s food I had seen. I thought I would share a few more ideas with you! My mom always did silly meals on April Fool’s Day, and as kids- we absolutely loved it. That is one thing I love about my mom- she always went all out for holidays and it made them so magical for us kids. Find something to celebrate every day, right? ;) Life is too short!

So here are a few of my favorites I’ve seen that I would totally love to make:).

Spaghetti. I’m not usually a fan of spaghetti, but I’m pretty sure I could get behind this:). Create a platter of cupcakes, pile on the frosting using a small tip, Chocolate truffles for meatballs, and top with raspberry preserves. I could definitely feast on that all day;).

KFC. You can make a whole meal that looks just like the real thing! You could even go all out and get the buckets;).

-For the chicken wings, take pretzel rods and use chocolate to attach 2 marshmallows at the end. Dip the whole end in white chocolate, and then cover the other end with rice krispies and shape it like a drumstick. Dip it into some melted chocolate (with a little peanut butter to tame the white) and cover with bran flakes.

-For the corn on the cob, cover Twinkies with white and yellow jellybeans. Place one yellow starburst in the middle for butter.

-For the baked beans mix chocolate and butterscotch pudding in a bowl and throw in some sugar babies.

I love how realistic this is!

Chili. Similar to the baked beans, but use chocolate covered raisins and colored coconut for a “cozy” meal;).

Bacon and Eggs. Using softened caramel cubes and Tootsie Rolls, create Bacon strips. Melt a few chocolate chips in a round shape and place one yellow M&M in the center- you’ll have a deliciously sweet breakfast;).

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup. Use a couple thin slices of pound cake and place yellow frosting in the middle. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar for a “toasted” look. Mix a little strawberry syrup with frosting for your tomato soup. I love this!

Ice Cream Sundae. Use mashed potatoes, gravy, and a small piece of roasted red pepper to create a rather healthy alternative to an ice cream sundae;).

I can’t wait to try some of these ideas! My kids will get such a kick out of them;). What will you be doing for April Fool’s Day this year? Share in the comments below!

  •   https://www.seededatthetable.com/2009/04/01/april-fools-spaghetti-meatballs-or-not/
  •   https://kitchenfunwithmy3sons.com/2012/03/kfc-fried-chicken-bucket-and-sidesapril.html/
  •   https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a0/b2/44/a0b244e1129f0147b692064d4bf046fa.jpg
  •   https://makingmemorieswithyourkids.com/2011/03/fakin-and-eggs-for-dessert/
  •   https://www.nelliebellie.com/fake-out-grilled-cheese-and-tomato-soup
  •   https://bakeat350.blogspot.com/2011/03/april-fools-day-food.html

    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! camille@dvo.com