13 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know You Could Make in Your Instant Pot

I’m trying really hard to use the kitchen appliances I’ve spent good money on more often in the kitchen. I want to be using these incredible kitchen tools in all their capacities, rather than them collecting dust in the pantry or cupboard. A few weeks ago I wrote an article about ways you can incorporate using your food processor more in more creative ways than you might have thought possible. I have really been enjoying doing that and am excited to make another loaf of the bread I posted in that article!

This week, let’s talk about another favorite kitchen appliance: The Instant Pot (aka pressure cooker). A lot of us have them and use them all the time to make chicken breasts, soups, boiled eggs, yogurt, pasta dishes, just to name a few--but in my research, I found so many ways to use the Instant Pot that I had never heard of and wanted to share with you all today. Hopefully you also can pick up on a new idea or two to try to make in your Instant Pot.

1. Mozzarella Cheese

We have all heard that you can make yogurt in an Instant Pot, but did you know you can actually make fresh mozzarella cheese in one? It actually seems quite easy and really fun to try. And of course it would taste so much better than the shredded store bought stuff. If you really want to try this, I’d suggest checking out the recipe and instructions from KeepingItHolistic.com for more info on this.

2. Molten Lava Cakes

I LOVE ooey gooey molten lava cakes and these can easily be made in the Instant Pot using ramekins or even small springform pans. You can stack ramekins or the springform pans within your Instant Pot to make multiple individual servings of things like cakes, cheesecake and creme brulee. Check out the 5-star recipe from PressureCookRecipes.com if you want to try this.

3. Proof Yeast Breads

Some crusty artisan breads can take up to 24 hours to proof and get ready for baking, but the blog InstaFreshMeals.com has a recipe for a loaf of whole wheat artisan bread that proofs on the yogurt setting in the Instant Pot for just 4 ½ hours. Then she baked it in the oven for about 30 minutes and had a perfect crusty artisan loaf that tastes like it took 24 hours, but was done in a fraction of the time. Check out her blog for the full recipe and instructions.

4. Drinks Like Apple Cider or Sweet Tea

I have never tried making drinks, but it’s going to be autumn soon and you can whip up a lovely batch of homemade apple cider that would make your whole house smell heavenly. Or of course while we are getting through these hot final few weeks of summer, you can mix up a batch of sweet tea to keep stored in the fridge.

I don’t want to make this article too long, so I thought I’d just share a list of a few more ideas you can check out and look into if you are interested:

5. Bone Broth
6. Using as a Humidifier
7. Boiled Peanuts
8. Ghee
9. Lobster
10. Dog Food
11. Jam
12. Vanilla Extract
13. Sterilize Baby Bottles or Breast Pump Parts

I hope you’ve enjoyed going down this path of discovering new and fun ways you can be using your Instant Pot more. Have you tried any of these ideas before? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

    Mary Richardson
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
    Email the author! mary@dvo.com

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  •   www.pressurecookrecipes.com
  •   www.instafreshmeals.com
  •   www.keepingitholistic.com

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