Wait… how does that work again?
In the latest Cook'n Desktop App update, we announced a new Count Cookbooks feature and explained that...
One of our valued users and our forum moderator, Linda Dehaven, asked us to add a feature that would count the number of cookbooks in your Library. This update includes that feature. Simply click Cookbook Library in the Cook'n Bookshelf view and click to the Edit tab.
In response to this announcement, @cjkeller posted the following comment in the Cook'n Forum:
"Wait… how does that work again? Downloaded the update and I’m sorta kinda lost on the cookbook count… I’ve clicked on the book shelf and clicked on edit but I’m not seeing a count on the number of cookbooks… what am I doing wrong?"
Linda Dehaven replied and said:
It’s actually very easy (but I had to try it first, lol).
This screen shot should explain. Let me know it you need a better explanation.
- Click on your Cook’n Cookbook Library.
- See the number of cookbooks you have. This includes all you’ve purchased as well as ones you’ve created.

@cjkeller responded and said:
THANK YOU!!! I was going in a totally different direction that wasn’t working at all! LOL!!
OOOOH! And I learned something new with this! I finally saw how to alphabetize my cookbooks! It’s been driving me crazy for a bit!! I’m so happy!!
I got two solutions from that one question!! Thanks, Lindad!!!