Why do some web pages ALWAYS open in my external web browser?


During the recent Cook'n Live Event, Betsy Moll added the following comment but I didn't see it and didn't get a chance to respond until after the event was over. It was a great question so I'm going to post the question and answer here...

I’m still having an issue with opening a recipe from the discover page. It doesn’t matter how many times I go to settings and tell it to open in the Cook’n app, it always goes to my web browser.


Great question, Betsy! There are a few websites that do not render correctly in the embedded web browser in Cook'n. And, there are a couple websites that cause the Cook'n app to become unstable. So, in these cases, despite what the configuration is in Settings, the web pages will ALWAYS open in the external web browser. Sorry for the confusion!

Haha...I bet that was confusing for a while, huh Betsy!

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