Recipes for Your BBQ
Have any of you had one yet? Who is planning for one Memorial Day weekend? Who wants to have one when school’s out? Who wants to have one right now?
Let’s face it. Now is the time to start thinking about Barbeque. It’s fresh and in season. The weather is warm and the smell of something on the grill is just too much too resist. I’ll be out walking, smell a barbeque, and my nose lifts into the air, wanting to track down that scent like a hungry dog.
Let’s face it. Now is the time to start thinking about Barbeque. It’s fresh and in season. The weather is warm and the smell of something on the grill is just too much too resist. I’ll be out walking, smell a barbeque, and my nose lifts into the air, wanting to track down that scent like a hungry dog.

Why BBQs are great:
1. It’s time to spend with friends and family, or get to know knew friends!
As human beings, we love to mingle around food. It’s a conversation starter. It allows us to actually sit and socialize, rather than worrying about what happens next. Having a barbecue is a wonderful way to get to know people, or to catch up with those you already know and love.
I rarely make a recipe smaller than what it calls for. I figure if I'm putting in the time and effort to chop an onion, I'll chop the whole thing rather than half of it. I never regret making more than needed. Just be sure to be wise about your leftovers, freeze them properly or use them in a timely manner.
2. Barbecue food is just yummy
Even if you’re not a fan of meat, or hot dogs, or hamburgers, there’s usually something you can find to love. There are salads and sides, chips and dips, lemonade and desserts!
3. It’s a chance to be outside
There really is something to be said about the releasing of endorphins when you’re in the sun. I feel sometimes I can’t get enough sun. Just being outside refreshes my spirit and gives me and extra pep in my step. My worries seem less prominent or problematic when I’m outside in God’s creations. Even if you don’t have a barbeque planned, step outside on the next beautiful day and soak it in. Remember how important you are and remember how happy you can choose to be. The outside helps. (Maybe you’re like my brother, though, and love the cold weather instead. He is serving a mission for our church in Wisconsin and he is loving the bitter cold weather! We’re starting to wonder if he’s a vampire in disguise. He rejoices at negative degrees.)

DON’T WORRY, I didn’t forget what I titled this article. It promises some ideas of what to take to your next barbecue. I’ve included three, yes, three awesome recipes that will be a hit. I tried to include a variety, you’ve got your fruit, your veggie, and your main dish. If you check out the dessert article (Sweet, Sweet Popcorn), that’s a great dessert to take as well.
Obviously, you don’t have to go all out when going to a barbeque. The point is to be with people and enjoy their company. Bringing a simple dish like watermelon, store-bought cookies, a bag of chips, or even 98 cent hot dogs is just as wonderful. Just make sure you bring yourself, fully devoted to befriending others, and you will have a great time. Focus on others and everything else brightens up.
Three Recipes:
- 1. Grape salad: this is a very simple and refreshing side. The coolness of it mixed with the tasty cinnamon is a crowd pleaser
- 2. Spinach salad: don’t get afraid of the word “spinach”. I’ve liked this salad long before I sought out spinach. This is one people usually want the recipe for.
- 3. Bul Kogi: My sweet hubby tried this and LOVED it. I have yet to make it for him, but he is the one that sought out the recipe when he tried it at a BBQ with his coworkers.
Sydney Hill
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2012
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Recipe 1
Grape Salad

Serves: 15