Most Expensive Foods and Dishes
I know, I know, another list! I can’t help it, I love writing lists of things! I find my inspiration from things that I’m currently interested in. I had heard about a hot dog that was going for $100 and it made me curious. A quick internet search led me to create a list of some of the most expensive foods and dishes in the world. Check it out below!
1. Mattake or Matsutake Mushrooms: Cost $1,000 Uh, is it just me or does that seem like a very steep price to pay for a fungus? This mushroom can be found in Asia, particularly Japan, China and Korea. It can also be found in North America, mainly in the United States and Canada. It is also found in Europe, especially Finland and Sweden. These mushrooms are usually hidden under fallen leaves on the forest floor. It’s pretty easy to harvest, but hard to find. At $1,000 dollars I’m expecting this mushroom to taste like chocolate!

2. Westin Hotel Bagel – Cost: $1,000 A bagel costing $1,000 might be more ridiculous than a fungus costing that much. This bagel includes some white truffle cream cheese, goji berry-infused Riesling jelly that also has golden leaves. What makes it so expensive is the truffle. Why? Well because this Italian fungus is one of the most expensive food items available.
3. Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata – Cost: $1,000 The name is a little deceiving, the actual omelets dish only costs $1,000, but for what you get in it, you’ll feel like a zillion bucks. This six egg frittata includes lobster claws and 10 ounces of caviar. Personally that doesn’t sound good at all. If you don’t want to pay that much for a dish you could make at home, the Le Parker Meridien Hotel in New York, where the dish is served, offers a scaled down version for only $100.
4. Craftsteak’s Wagyu Ribeye Steak – Cost: $2,800 Are there really people out there who can drop that kind of cash on a steak?! If so, would you like to adopt me? This steak is so expensive because Wagyu beef is really sought after. It has a high percentage of omega-3 an omega-6 fatty acids. The best Wagyu beef comes from Kobe; the cows that are raised here are fed with beer and are massaged on a regular basis to ensure tenderness.
5. Bombay Brassiere’s Samundari Khazana Curry: Cost: $3,200 Do you have a taste for expensive and fancy things? If so this dish is for you. This curry dish has Devon crab, white truffle, Beluga caviar in gold leaf, and gold-coated Scottish lobsters, four abalones, and for quail eggs filled with caviar. I feel like this dish could feed a family for days!
6. Domenico Crolla’s Pizza Royale – 007: Cost: $4,200 This pizza is a 12-inch pie filled with lobsters marinated in cognac, caviar soaked in champagne, tomato sauce, and Scottish smoked salmon, prosciutto, venison medallions, and vintage balsamic vinegar. Let’s not forget the completely edible 24-carat gold flakes. As great as this pizza sounds, I could by 2,000 pizzas for the price of one of these babies!

7. Densuke Black Watermelon – Cost:$6,100 I’ve never seen a black watermelon and at that price I’m positive I never will. These watermelons are super rare, they are only grown on an island in Japan, and a typical harvest will only yield a few dozen fruit. But it’s not just its rarity that makes it so expensive, the hardness and crispness are perfect. The level of sweetness is amazing. I think I’ll stick with the plain old watermelon.
8. Yubari King Melons – Cost: $22,872 Basically, these are upscale cantaloupes that are coveted because of its proportions and sweetness. So many people want them that auctions take place for its purchase.
9. Almas Caviar – Cost: $25,000 I’ve never understood the appeal of eating fish eggs. You’d think at this price they’d be the best tasting thing ever. This particular type of caviar is an extremely rare food item that comes from Iran. It’s not sold in many stores.
There are so many ways to get creative with your Puppy chow! My friend likes to add sliced almonds, coconut, and M&M's to her recipe. It tastes great! I think you could add basically anything you like and it would turn out amazing. If you want some inspiration, I'm sure you could use Cook'n to find a Puppy Chow recipe to your liking!

10. Italian White Alba Truffle – Cost: $160,406 Remember the bagel from earlier? This is the truffle they use. Truffles are expensive in general, but this particular type has become very difficult to cultivate.
Is there anything on this list you’d spend the money on? Would you ever spend that much on one food item? What’s the most expensive food item you’ve ever purchased? Leave a comment below!
Whitney Saupan
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2013
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