The BEST Pre-Workout Foods

I love to eat. I would probably count it as a hobby of mine, except I don’t really think that counts as a hobby:). So to keep up with my healthy appetite and nearly insatiable sweet tooth, I try to exercise at least 4-5 times a week. If I had all the time in the world I would do more, but time is not something I have a lot of… but I digress.

I know that what I eat before a work-out can really affect the effectiveness of that work-out. I don’t want to eat a huge meal, but I want to make sure that I have the energy I need for those really tough workouts!

Here is what I found out about what to eat and what not to eat before exercising.

What NOT to Eat:

  • Avoid dairy products. They can clog up your sinuses, making it harder to breathe (who wants that when you’re trying to work out?)
  • Fiber is great for you, but avoid it before a workout. It can cause your stomach to have cramps or pains- definitely a little distracting!
  • Heavy spices/seasonings- these can cause heartburn during an intense workout- who needs that?
  • Citrus- again, very good for you, but maybe not so much before a workout. Citrus acid can be hard on our tummies, and it’s another great way to get unnecessary heartburn.
  • High-fat foods. Eating a deep-fried Twinkie right before running sounds like a bad idea to most of us, but even healthy foods that are high in fat (like string cheese) can slow you down; the fat is harder to burn, so you won’t have as much energy as you could by eating some lower-fat options.
  • Lots of Food! You don’t want to eat a huge 4 course meal right before working out; you only want a small snack to give you the energy you need to have a good workout.


    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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