The REAL Trick to Fluffy Omelets
The REAL trick to fluffy omelets? COVER THE PAN!! It must seal very well. I don't bother adding any water or other liquids. I set the non-stick pan on MED to MED-LO (depending on your stove.) DON'T TOUCH! Forget what Julia Childs or other "French" chefs say. Just pour the slightly beaten eggs (I use a cordless immersion blender) into the warmed-up fry pan and cover. When the top of the eggs has barely set, remove the cover. I score the eggs once across the middle, then flip one half over the other, covering any "stuffing" I have added to one half. If the stuffing contains cheese, turn off the heat, cover, and let it sit for a minute or two while the cheese melts.
The omelet will be nicely brown on the fry pan side!
I use five eggs for two servings, cutting the folded-over omelets in half.
Sanford Brown
Big Pine Key
(The "Lazy Low-Fat Gourmet")