Peeling Hard Boiled Eggs
I just read your article on peeling hard boiled eggs and got a chuckle! I grew up on a farm where eggs in their many forms were, well let's just say zuchini squash in summer was never so plentiful. Hard boiled eggs were something that was always around and a great snack and I don't recall ever having difficulty peeling eggs! Here's the skinny:
1) If you're dealing with FRESH eggs - never refridgerate them! Fresh eggs will keep for two to three weeks easily if kept at room temperature or just slightly cool as in a well house (but who has those anymore?).
2) Never hard boil an egg that is less than 1 - 2 weeks old! That's how we used up old eggs.
3)Test each egg for floaters in water. If they float - toss them GENTLY! (broken bad eggs smell really, REALLY bad!). I put my bad eggs in zipper seal bags first - just in case!
4) Always immerse your eggs in cold water immediately upon finiishing cooking AND CRACK THEM UNDER COLD WATER! This causes cold water to be sucked into the egg shell and loosens it from the egg. Peel under the cold water.
5) Hard boiled eggs not used will keep for a week or more in the refridgerator stored in a sealed container.
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