If I subscribe to the Family Plan, what happens when I am no longer able to use Cook'n (hopefully years off!!!)? Will my daughter be able to get to her cloud recipes?


I have been a subscriber of Cook'n since 2014. Thank you and your wonderful elves for an amazing cooking program. I use it all the time.

I watched your latest YouTube presentation and am seriously considering upgrading to The Family Premium Plan so my daughter and daughter-in-law can enjoy your program/app as well. They are checking it out as well.

I have a couple of questions regarding the Cook'n Cloud. I am not a youngster. What happens to my cloud recipes when I am no longer able to use Cook'n and need to quit using the program (hopefully years off!!!)? Are all of those family recipes lost?

Also, if I subscribe to the Family Plan and the above happens, can my daughter get to my recipes? Will she be able to get to her cloud recipes, being on my Family plan (I know she will have her own account, but don't know if finances would allow her to join the Premium Plan)? I don't want to bring them into my family plan and lose all of their recipes if I am unable to participate.

Thank you so much for your time in answering these questions. I checked the questions and answers and didn't see anything about this. I possibly missed it. I will wait to upgrade to the Family Plan until hearing from you.

Have a wonderful day.

Bobbie R.


Wonderful! I'm so pleased to hear that you love Cook'n and that you're considering upgrading to the Family Plan!

"What happens to my cloud recipes when I am no longer able to use Cook'n and need to quit using the program (hopefully years off!!!)? Are all of those family recipes lost?"

No. Your recipes will not be lost.

If you unsubscribe from the Cook'n Cloud, at some future point in time, your recipes will always be accessible on your local device.

So, for example, if you have Cook'n on your laptop computer or on your phone and you unsubscribe from the Cloud service, you can always launch Cook'n on your laptop or on your phone and access your recipes.

"Also, if I subscribe to the Family Plan and the above happens, can my daughter get to my recipes? ...I don't want to bring them into my family plan and lose all of their recipes if I am unable to participate."

Great questions. To be clear, your daughters will have their OWN personal Cook'n Cloud accounts with all of their own personal recipes.

When you sign up for the Cook'n Family Plan and add your daughters to your Family Plan, it enhances your daughters' existing accounts to give them member benefits.

If you unsubscribe, at some future point in time, your daughters can still launch Cook'n and access their recipes...they just won't have member benefits. FYI...member benefits include access to the Cook'n Cloud, unlimited Capture & Scan, unlimited tech support, etc.

So, while your daughters may not have member benefits, they will always be able to access their recipes.

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