Chopstick Brilliance!
If you struggle with your fridge space, you’ll like this clever suggestion from Jillee, of She says: “This super simple idea will double your fridge space! And believe it or not, you only need a pair of chopsticks to do it!”
Is that intriguing, or what? She reminds us that even when it seems like there’s no free space left in the fridge, there’s likely some free VERTICAL space that we aren’t taking advantage of!

And stacking items is the best way to make the most of that vertical space. But what if those items aren’t easily stackable? Like when you have a dish covered with plastic wrap or foil?
Ahhh, here’s where the chopsticks come in. To stack items in your fridge, all you do is simply lay a pair of chopsticks across the top of dish. The chopsticks will create a sturdy surface that will allow you to stack something else on top!

With this little trick you’ve immediately doubled your storage space. I like this idea because it allows me to use the containers I already have. In other words, there’s no real need to buy food storage containers that have lids. I can keep covering my bowls and dishes with plastic or foil and now I can stack away!

Jillee has other ideas for using chopsticks. For instance:
- Lay them parallel to each other on your countertop and they create a quick but efficient drying surface for glasses, etc.
- Chopsticks are also a handy crevice-cleaning tool.
- They make excellent small houseplant supports.
- Folks have used them forever to pit cherries.
- They make perfect stir sticks for small cans of paint.
- I like to use one to level flour after measuring.
- I’ve used a couple when I needed small posts to hold a cake topper sign on a birthday cake.
- And those of you with very long hair may have found what a perfect holder a chopstick is when doing a bun or twist.

Do you have ideas on what to do with chopsticks? Please share with us if you do. One thing’s for sure, they’re easy to store, take up little space, and can do so much more than shovel in Chinese food! I call it “chopstick brilliance!”
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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