Where’s the BEST Place to Store Your Chips?
Did you know that if you know the right place to store your chips, they can stay fresh for MONTHS? Obviously the chips manufacturers don’t want this news spread around—we’ll be buying fewer bags. But spread it I must!

Food writer, Alice Knisley Matthias, is good Samaritan of the day for sharing this information. She says that according to food researchers, storing your chips in the freezer will result in chips that stay crispy and maintain a crunch.
Why would this super chilly environment be a better place for storage than the snack drawer or pantry shelf? The moment a potato chip bag is opened it is exposed to air, light, and moisture, and this causes the contents to start to lose their flavor and texture. The freezer will prevent this process. And don't worry: Chip bags placed in the freezer won't totally freeze — they will simply get really cold.

When chips are cooked for commercial packaging, most of the moisture is cooked out of the potato or corn. The small amount of water that is left behind in the cooking process is enough to prevent the starches from breaking down. Since most of the moisture is cooked out of the potato, there's little risk of chips getting soggy, limp, and unappetizing. This method works for chips that are unopened or a bag that has been opened but needs to be resealed and stored for a short period of time.
All this said, it’s important to know that putting potato chips in the freezer extends their freshness from a matter of days to months ONLY when stored properly. This just means, they must be in a sealed, AIR-TIGHT container.

Lastly, when you’re wanting to enjoy a chip snack, just be sure to give your chips enough time to come to room temperature before chomping.
Turns out, most chip bags actually tell us to store them in a cool, dry place. I can tell you from experience, my kitchen snack drawer isn’t the place. Now I know, the freezer IS the place—the perfect cool, dry place!
Alice Osborne
Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
Email the author! alice@dvo.com