Super Bowl Package for Andan
In an article that I published last year called Super Food Made our Super Bowl a Super Time, I mentioned that my son, Andan, is an amazing football player. He's a nut about following the different NFL teams and players. As a result, we really love to watch the Super Bowl in our family.
We also love good food! And, for us, the Super Bowl and food go hand-in-hand (or hand-to-mouth as the case may be)!
Now that he is in Mexico serving a two year mission for our church, I mentioned to Kathy that he's probably going to feel a little homesick when the Super Bowl comes around in a couple weeks. I wondered if there was something we could do for him.
Kathy thought it might be fun to put together a Super Bowl care package. I agreed. So, she prepared a package with some of his favorite snacks and sent this:

Isn't Andan going to be so surprised when he opens this?
Do you have big plans for the Super Bowl? Do you usually gather with friends? How big of a factor is food in your Super Bowl plans?
Dan Oaks
Founder of DVO Enterprises
Creator of Cook'n
Father of 5. Husband of 1.
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
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