Disappearing Forks!


With regard to the missing forks article in the last newsletter, Helen Wang says...

"I don't have disappearing silverware in our family because there's only two of us and my brother is living in California. We did acquire some difference spoons and forks as you can see. I don't know where all the silverware came from but they are very different. I think some of them were made with real silver. Just a little food for thought."

And, Pam says...

"I sat in awe as I started this article. Could it be that someone else was a victim to this bizarre mystery? It wasn't even a week ago my daughters and their families were here for dinner and I was telling them about my missing forks. We too concluded it was my young grandsons tossing them out with their paper plates. But after reading your article I wonder!! Should I set up a trail camera in my kitchen?!?! I too have perused silverware online and just can't do it (no different then buying a car online) , it's a very personal purchase - balance, size, looks.....


That's so interesting Helen and Pam! I totally agree! Thanks for sharing!

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