Are Our Traditions Worth It?

There are so many traditions surrounding Christmas time. I love hearing about the various traditions that each family has- some are similar and some are so unique and different! It can be easy to get caught up in the “magic”, trying to create the perfect Christmas through a variety of traditions and events.

But- that’s not really what we want from Christmas, is it? While Christmastime can certainly be fun and full of magic, the true reason for the season is our Savior, Jesus Christ. It should be a time of year when we are spending quality time with family and reflecting on our Redeemer, and if we are getting so overwhelmed with all the “traditions”- well, are those traditions really worth it?

I think this is where each family needs to look at what they can handle, and what they enjoy. Each family is going to be different! I know many families do Elf on the Shelf- and while I love seeing pictures and think it’s super cute, I know that it’s way too much commitment for me; it’s something that would bring me more stress than joy! Definitely not a tradition that’s worth it to me- but if it’s something that brings your family joy, that’s awesome!

An example of an easy tradition with a high impact- having a picnic by the Christmas tree. It’s not a lot of work. In fact, dinner that night is particularly easy because I usually just do sandwiches, chips and carrots- and yet eating by the glow of the Christmas lights, sitting on the floor as a family- just makes that simple meal seem so special. Definitely lots of impact with very little effort!

Another favorite tradition we had growing up, and that I still continue to this day with my own children, is listening to A Christmas Carol narrated by Patrick Stewart. We always have popcorn (my parents always got the fun popcorn tins, I usually just get a bag of Chicago Mix popcorn from Costco), and we color by the Christmas tree while listening. Again, this is an event that requires very little preparation, but it’s such a special tradition that I will always cherish!

While these are examples of simple traditions that require low effort but have a big impact, sometimes more effort is worth the payoff! My family plays a Christmas gift game each year as parents and siblings, and it involves gathering and purchasing gifts, thinking creatively, and wrapping everything up. It definitely takes some money and time and preparation- but the laughs and bonding we enjoy are totally worth it! It’s one of our favorite things we all look forward to all year!

Another tradition that definitely requires some work is our Christmas Eve program. We all come together as a family on Christmas Eve, and everyone participates somehow- whether it’s accompanying everyone singing on the piano, reciting a poem, performing a song, or reading Luke 2. It requires planning, and preparation on everyone’s part- but it makes Christmas Eve so spiritual and beautiful and the perfect way to celebrate our Savior. Definitely worth the effort!

It’s also ok if a tradition doesn’t work for you one particular year. A more intense tradition we have is making gingerbread houses- my mom puts together several graham cracker houses, we have all the grandkids over, and there are piles and bowls of candy and frosting tips and it’s a sweet chaotic mess that all the kids love and look forward to! I’m not near my family for this Christmas- and while in future years I absolutely plan on putting together graham cracker houses for my kids and inviting neighbors and getting lots of fun candy to decorate- this is not the year for me to do that. Living in a trailer with a brand new baby- I feel totally ok skipping that tradition this year. It would definitely bring more stress than joy for me right now!

All this to say- Christmastime should not be overwhelming. It should be a season of joy, of giving, of reflecting, of loving. If we’re feeling overwhelmed and the season is chaotic, it’s probably time to take a look at all the festivities and traditions and decide what’s worth hanging on to, and maybe which ones it’s time to forgo. Look at the effort required for each tradition, and decide if the payout and joy that comes from it is worth the effort required. And remember, that just because you feel the need to skip a tradition one year, doesn’t mean you’re “breaking tradition” or that you’ll never do it again! It just means that you’re being smart and taking a break and valuing your mental health- all good things :).

I’d love to hear about your family traditions, whether they are simple yet highly impactful or if they require a lot of effort, but the payoff is totally worth it. Share your favorite traditions in the comments below!

    Camille Hoffmann
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2014
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