My homepage is filled with several inches of blank recently made


"I do not have any friends for my cookbook but very much dislike having the top of my homepage filled with so many inches of blank recently made. I do not plan on using this new feature and would love an option to have it or not. Meanwhile, every time I load Cook’n I have to scroll down to not show half a blank screen. I am sure many people may like the feature but I very much hope you quickly give an option to not use the “Recently Made” so I can have my homepage back."


Thank you for the feedback. I’m glad you took the time to post this comment so we can help you. To solve the problem that you are having, simply uncheck the “Only Friends” check-box to the right of “Recently Made.”

If you check the “Only Friends” check-box but you don’t have any Cook’n Friends, then the Recently Made ticker will be empty and you will have several inches of blank white space there. So, to solve this, simply un-check that check-box.

OR…even better…introduce Cook’n to your family & friends and invite them to be your Cook’n Friends!

By the way, as I explained in the Cook’n Version 15 Release Event video, the Capture Ticker is a good way to discover great new recipes because people will often browse 10 recipes before capturing 1. But, the Recently Made Ticker is an even better way to discover great recipes because people will often capture 10 recipes before making 1. So, with the Recently Made recipes, you are getting the cream of the crop!

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