Let’s Talk “NEW and IMPROVED!”

I’m enthusiastically referring to (ta-da!) Cook’n 15! This brilliant brainchild has all sorts of exciting features, but one I’d like to specifically address is its new SOCIAL SHARING COMPONENT.

It’s truly a no-brainer. After all, you, our Cook’n users are not just interested in food, you’re also accomplished cooks/bakers (or well on your way to “accomplished”). So how perfect is it to now have a user-friendly means to share your accomplishments with family and friends?

For example, there is a new "I Made This" button that you can click when you make a recipe. There’s a place where you can add your personal comment about the recipe (maybe a slight variation you made or a secret ingredient you added, or…you get the picture).

And speaking of “picture,” now you can add your own personal food photo as well. Here’s an example: A couple weeks ago, subscriber Jim J., sent me this lovely shot of cinnamon rolls he’d just made (as a result of reading our December 2023 monthly Cook’n article on this very topic.

Along with the photo, he shared a “Bonus Tip for the Gooiest Cinnamon Rolls.” He said we should use heavy cream for a divine upgrade. And then he explained how: “Once they are assembled in a pan, risen, and ready to bake, heat (warm) half a cup of heavy cream (about 3/4 tablespoon per roll) in the microwave or on the stove just until warm to the touch but not hot. (Because yeast is sensitive to temperature and the rolls have likely been rising in a warm or at least room temperature atmosphere, it’s important that the heavy cream is not cold so it doesn’t inhibit the rolls from continuing to rise as they bake. Never ever add heavy cream that is cold straight from the fridge.)

“Pour the warmed cream evenly over the roll tops. Bake per recipe instructions and enjoy! You'll get the most pillowy and delicious cinnamon rolls. After their cinnamon rolls are baked, then pipe additional filling made with creamed butter and cinnamon sugar into the swirls for a cinnamon roll that explodes with filling goodness.”

(Go here for a quick overview of this and go here to see all the details of the new features in Cook’n 15 including a video of the Cook'n Version 15 Release Event!)

The “I Made This” feature is THE place for Jim’s photo and his very interesting and helpful tips. His thoughts deserve to be captured! And yours do, too. Don’t you love the idea of having a place you can now go to show and comment on YOUR curated work?!

But wait, there’s more! Jim’s "Made" recipe will then appear in the new "Recently Made" section of the Cook'n Home Page for all to see (above the Capture Ticker). At that point, others can see the recipe and soon they will be able to "Like" it! (whoops! Did I just reveal something before Dan announced it?). And, eventually, they will be able to comment on it (dang! I did it again! Just call me Woody from Psych!). Just think—now so many more folks can applaud your wonderful creations!

Jim’s hard work, and yours too, now has the perfect stage on which to shine. Life was good, but now it’s even better, thanks to our new and improved Cook’n 15!

    Alice Osborne
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
    Email the author! alice@dvo.com

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