Why am I being charged for two subscriptions on the same account??


"When I load a backup file it disconnects me from the cloud. What am I doing wrong?"


Yes. That is the correct behavior. The reason is because the job of the Cook'n Cloud is to keep all of your recipe data synchronized across all of your devices.

For example, if you have 100 recipes in your database and you delete one of them, Cook'n must sync that change to the Cook'n Cloud and the Cook'n Cloud is then responsible for making sure all of the other devices connected to your Cloud account delete that recipe as well.

Let's say that you have an iPad that you haven't used for 6 months. Now, you turn that iPad on and launch Cook'n. The Cook'n Cloud must make sure that the recipe that you deleted that I referred to above and ALL OTHER changes to your data are down synced to your iPad so your iPad is in sync with all the other devices on your account.

Now, let's say that you restore a really old backup file and now you have 500 recipes in your database. How in the world is the Cook'n Cloud supposed to know anything about the recipes that you just restored? How is the Cook'n Cloud supposed to know which of those 500 recipes should be synced up to the Cook'n Cloud and down synced to all of your other devices?

The answer is, it is impossible for the Cloud to know this. That is why restoring a backup file disconnects you from the Cook'n Cloud.

So, after restoring a backup file, you have a couple options to get everything back in sync again. You can click File->Export to export the cookbook or recipes that you just restored to your file system. Then, you can click File->Restore->From Cloud Account and import those recipes from your file system.

Or, you can let our tech support department know so that they can wipe your account and have you recreate it. After they wipe your account, they will give you the last few steps to take to get everything reconnected!

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