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Thank you so much for your awesome newsletters and software. I just wanted to let you know that I recommend your products every chance I get. My co-worker is looking for something to get her dad for a retirement gift and she thought it was such a great idea.

Dee Goss  

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Volume I
February 23, 2002

Notes from Folks

  • I was surprised by Penny Harrington's response to my last message when she said "Your post was so sexist as regards home responsibilities that I would not use our recipies even if I liked them. What decade do you live in?"

    Whoa...easy trigger! I'm not running for office and I'm not saying anything about home responsibilities...I'm talking about my home and the fact that crockpot meals are deeeeeeeelicious! Yum Yum! No offense intended.

  • Last month's Jest for Fun column brought laughs to Nigel Clowes, who writes, "My wife and I enjoyed each and every one. I hope you will continue to provide the same type of humor in the next issue."

  • Laurie Hendrix writes : "Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for the recipes on your site... I was getting into a rut for cooking and these have jump started my thinking. Thank you again."

  • Do you have something to share with other Cook'n readers? Email your thoughts to us. Tell us about you and your family, and send us a picture. We'd love to hear from you...and who knows...perhaps you will be the star of the next newsletter!

    A Taste of Italy

    Recipe Step-Saver
    Adding Spice to Your Meals
    Over-ripe Bananas Cut the Fat!

    --JEST FOR FUN--
    Kids Say the Honest-est Things
    Why Athletes shouldn't be role models...
    New Definitions
    Disorder in the Court

    Olympic Menus

    --COOK'N TIP--
    Converting to Metric Units

    Is Dan a Chauvanist Pig?

    What's for Breakfast?

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