A Wild New Look & A Smart New Feature: Thanks to You, Cook’n Just Got Even Better—Again!
Last month, we introduced the Rainy Evening theme, thanks to a great suggestion from Caryn. But guess what? The Cook’n Elves didn’t stop there!
Today, we’re thrilled to introduce the brand-new Safari theme—designed to make your recipes stand out like never before!

The Safari theme isn’t just a new look—it changes how you experience your recipes! Instead of the usual layout, this theme organizes everything into three distinct sections:
- 📜 Ingredients on the left
- 📝 Directions on the right
- 📖 Recipe Description on top
The Cook'n Desktop App update that went live today includes another nice improvement as well that was the result of customer feedback.
Customer, Peggy Allen said:
I would like to suggest an improvement by adding a feature that prints page numbers when you are printing individual recipes.We heard you Peggy! You say "jump" and we say "how high?" 😁
I get many requests for copies of recipes (on paper) - especially after the holidays when people have enjoyed all the great foods prepared from my Cook'n Cookbook that I am writing!!! Haha!
When you print two or three recipes and they all have second pages, you have to be careful to get the correct second page with the correct recipe. Not only would page numbers help, but also a feature that would allow you to print the NAME of the recipe on the top of the second page!
For example: Cornbread Dressing (you print it and it has the name, servings, cooking time, temperature, etc. all on the top of the first page) - no page number needed. But, if the recipe has a second page, it would be wonderful to be able to print the NAME of the recipe "Cornbread Dressing" on the top of the second page and also a 2 at the bottom!
You would not believe how many times I had to spend time making sure I had the correct second page with the correct first page! Thank you so much for helping me get this suggestion to the correct person.
And, finally, today's update also fixes a Mac printing issue that accidently went out in the previous update. Sorry for the hiccup Mac users! Thank you for your patience!
Thank you for the suggestions Peggy and Caryn. And, thank you to all of you who love Cook'n so much and work together with us to make Cook'n the best recipe app on the market today!
Thank you also to the Cook'n Elves for constantly working to make Cook'n better and better! I'm not aware of another app developer that is as responsive or tuned in to their customer's needs and requests as Cook'n is.
Keep the great ideas coming! If you have a suggestion that would make Cook’n even better, let us know. Who knows? Your idea might just be the next big update!
Dan Oaks
Founder of DVO Enterprises
Creator of Cook'n
Father of 5. Husband of 1.
Monthly Newsletter Contributor since 2024
Email the author! dan@dvo.com