This Appliance Is Worth the Space it Takes!

Do you have a vacuum sealer, or are you thinking about getting one? If yes to either question, here’s some good information from that makes a positive case for this appliance.

First of all, keeping food fresh longer is just one of many useful things you can do with a vacuum sealer. Consider these ideas:

It’s your best friend when buying in bulk. I’ll buy the family pack of chicken breasts when they’re on sale, then vacuum pack them in twos for storing in the freezer. I love how this prevents freezer burn!

It’s your best friend when traveling. Ever have a bottle of shampoo leak in your travel case after a flight? Grrrr, right? Vacuum packing leak-prone items eliminates all possibilities of this ever happening again!

It’s your best friend when dealing with leftovers. Use this tool to make your own “ready meals.” Arrange your leftovers on a heavy-duty waxed plate, then slip the whole thing into a bag, vacuum seal it, and stash it in your freezer. Take one to work to microwave at lunchtime, and make sure to check the temperature often while it’s heating. (Every 30 seconds or so should do the trick!)

It's your best friend when portioning citrus juices or tomato pastes and sauces. When a recipe calls for lemon or lime juice, there’s nothing better than the fresh stuff. So why not buy them in season, juice them all at once, then freeze the juice in ice cube trays or a silicone mold. Place the frozen cubes in a FoodSaver® bag, vacuum seal it, and store it in your freezer until needed.

And after you open that little can of tomato paste or sauce for the one or two tablespoons for which your recipe calls, what do you DO with the remainder in the can? I spoon or pour one- or two-tablespoons-worth into very small vacuum bags (that I make myself from the continuous roll) and then seal them. I freeze these for the next time I need one or two tablespoons that my recipe requires.

It's your best friend when cooking large batches of beans. Cook up a large batch, portion out what you need for the week, and freeze the rest. With them in a vacuum-sealed bag, you’ll never have to worry about freezer burn! And you’ll save lots of money by cooking your own rather than relying on sodium-overloaded grocery store canned beans!

I’ll close by just saying, this appliance is worth the space it takes. Over the years I’ve experienced how it’s my best friend in the kitchen for so many reasons!

    Alice Osborne
    Weekly Newsletter Contributor since 2006
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