Serves: 5
Vegetable with
Amounts for Conventional Microwave
4 Servings To Prepare Directions Directions
Artichokes, Globe Remove discolored leaves Boil: Use 6 quarts water and 1 medium: Place in 4-cup
(4 medium 1 pound) trim stem even with base. 2 tablespoons lemon juice. glass measuring cup add
Cut 1 inch off top and dis- Boil uncovered 20 to 30 1/4 cup water. Cover with
Choose plump com- card. Snip off points of the minutes, rotating occasion- vented plastic wrap. Micro-
pact globes that are remaining leaves with scis- ally, until leaves pull out wave 5 to 7 minutes or
heavy in relation to sors. Rinse with cold water. easily and bottom is tender until leaves pull out easily.
their size, with fresh, To prevent discoloration, dip when pierced with knife.
green inner leaves. into cold water mixed with Steam: Covered 20 to 25 2 medium: Place in 8 x 4-
small amount of lemon juice minutes or until bottom is inch loaf pan add 1/4 cup
(1 tablespoon lemon juice per tender when pierced water. Cover with vented
1 quart water). with knife. plastic wrap. Microwave 9
to 11 minutes or until
To fill and bake, remove cen- leaves pull out easily.
ter leaves and the choke
before cooking. (Choke is the
fuzzy growth covering arti-
choke heart.)
Artichokes, Jerusalem Scrub artichokes peel thinly Boil: Whole--covered 20 to Slices or cubes--Place in
(4 medium 1 pound) if desired. Leave whole, or 25 minutes. Slices or cubes-- 1-quart casserole add 2
cut into 1/4-inch slices or covered 7 to 9 minutes or tablespoons water. Cover.
Choose smooth, firm, 1/2-inch cubes. To prevent until crisp-tender. Microwave 5 to 7 minutes,
light-colored tubers discoloration, toss with Steam: covered 15 to 20 stirring once, until crisp-
with the fewest cold water mixed with minutes or until crisp-tender. tender. Let stand 2
"knobs." Tubers small amount of lemon juice Note: Can also be fried see minutes.
should be free of (1 tablespoon lemon juice Fried Potatoes
blotches, green-tinged per 1 quart water). for directions.
areas and sprouts.
Asparagus Break off tough ends as far Boil: Spears--Place stalks Place spears in 8 x 4-inch
(1 1/2 pounds) down as stalks snap easily. upright in deep, narrow pan. loaf pan or pieces in
Wash asparagus remove Boil uncovered 6 to 8 1-quart casserole add 2
Choose smooth, scales if sandy or tough. (If minutes or until crisp-tender. tablespoons water. Cover
round, tender, necessary, remove sand Pieces--Boil uncovered 4 to 6 with vented plastic wrap.
medium-size green particles with a vegetable minutes or until crisp-tender Microwave 4 to 6 minutes
spears with closed brush.) For spears, tie whole Steam: Covered 6 to 8 or until crisp-tender.
tips. stalks in bundles with string, minutes or until crisp-tender. Let stand 2 minutes.
or hold together with band of
aluminum foil. Or cut stalks
into 1-inch pieces.
Beans, Green, Purple Wash beans remove ends. Boil: Boil uncovered 6 to 8 Place pieces in 1-quart
Wax and Yellow Wax Leave beans whole, or minutes or until crisp-tender. casserole add 1 cup water.
(1 pound) cut into 1-inch pieces. Steam: Covered 10 to 12 Cover. Microwave 10 to 12
minutes or until crisp-tender. minutes or until crisp-
Choose bright, smooth, tender. Let stand 5 min-
crisp pods. Will feel utes drain.
pliable and velvety.
When cooked, purple
wax beans will turn
dark green.
Beans, Lima Wash beans. Shell just before Boil: Boil uncovered 5 Place in 1-quart casserole:
(3 pounds unshelled cooking. To shell beans, minutes. Cover and boil 15 add 1 cup water. Cover.
3 cups shelled) remove thin outer edge of pod to 20 minutes longer or Microwave on High 4 to 5
with sharp knife or scissors. until tender. minutes or until boiling.
Choose broad, thick, Slip out beans. Microwave on Medium-Low
shiny pods that are (30%) 20 to 25 minutes or
plump with large seeds. until tender. Let stand 5
minutes drain.
Beets Cut off all but 1 inch of Boil: Use 6 cups water, Place in 1 1/2-quart casse-
(5 medium 1 1/4 beet tops. Wash beets 1 tablespoon white vinegar role add 2 cups water.
pounds) leave whole with root (to preserve color) and salt Cover. Microwave 18 to 20
ends attached. if desired). Boil covered 40 minutes, rearranging once,
Choose firm, round, to 50 minutes or until until tender. Let stand 5
smooth, deep red tender. minutes drain.
beets with fresh, Steam: Covered 45 to 50
unwilted tops. minutes or until tender.
Add boiling water during
steaming if necessary.
Broccoli Trim off large leaves remove Boil: Spears--uncovered 5 to Spears--Place with just the
(1 1/2 pounds) tough ends of lower stems. 7 minutes or until stems are water that clings to spears in
Wash broccoli peel if desired. crisp-tender. Flowerets-- 8-inch square dish in spoke
Choose firm, For spears, cut lengthwise uncovered 3 to 5 minutes or pattern with flowerets in
compact, dark green into 1/2-inch-wide stalks. until crisp-tender. the center. Cover with
clusters avoid thick, For pieces, cut lengthwise into Steam: Covered 10 to 11 vented plastic wrap. Micro-
tough stems. 1/2-inch-wide stalks, then minutes or until stems are wave 6 to 8 minutes or until
cut stalks crosswise into crisp-tender. stems are crisp-tender. Let
1-inch pieces.If desired, cut stand 2 minutes Pieces--Place
flowerets into bite-size pieces. with just the water that
clings to pieces in 2-quart
casserole. Cover. Microwave
5 to 7 minutes or until crisp-
tender. Let stand 2 minutes.
Brussels Sprouts Remove any discolored Boil: Uncovered 8 to 12 Place in 1-quart casserole
(1 pound) leaves cut off stem ends. minutes or until tender. add 2 tablespoons water.
Wash sprouts cut large Steam: Covered 8 to 12 Cover. Microwave 5 to 6
Choose unblemished, sprouts in half. minutes or until tender. minutes or until tender.
bright green sprouts Let stand 2 minutes drain.
with compact leaves.
Carrots Peel carrots thinly cut Boil: Baby-cut whole--covered Baby-cut whole or Julienne
(1 pound 6 to 7 off ends. Leave baby-cut 7 to 10 minutes. Julienne strips Place in 1-quart
medium) carrots whole, or cut strips--covered 6 to 10 min- casserole add 2 table-
carrots lengthwise into utes. Slices--covered 6 to 10 spoons water. Cover. Micro-
Choose firm, nicely julienne strips, cut cross- minutes. Shredded--covered wave 5 to 7 minutes, stirring
shaped carrots with wise into 1/4-inch slices 5 minutes or until tender. once, until crisp-tender.
good color. or shred. Steam: Baby-cut whole-- (Baby-cut carrots may take
covered 8 to 10 minutes. 2 to 3 minutes longer to
Slices--covered 6 to 9 min- cook.) Let stand 5 minutes:
utes or until tender. drain.
Cauliflower Remove outer leaves and Boil: Whole--uncovered 10 to Place flowerets in 2-quart
(2 pounds stalk cut off any discoloration. 12 minutes. Flowerets--uncov- casserole add 2 tablespoons
1 medium head) Wash cauliflower. Leave whole, ered 5 to 7 minutes or until water. Cover. Microwave
cutting cone-shaped center tender. 8 to 10 minutes or until ten-
Choose clean, non- to remove core, or separate Steam: Whole--covered 18 to der. Let stand 2 minutes:
spreading flower into flowerets. 22 minutes. Flowerets-- drain.
clusters (the white covered 6 to 8 minutes or
portion) and green until tender.
Corn Refrigerate unhusked corn Boil: Place ears in enough Wrap ears in microwavable
(4 ears) until ready to use. (Corn is unsalted cold water to cover plastic wrap, or place in
best when eaten as soon (salt toughens corn). Add 1 8-inch square dish and add
Choose bright after picking as possible.) tablespoon sugar and 1 table- 1 tablespoon water. Cover
green, tight-fitting Husk ears and remove silk spoon lemon juice to each with plastic wrap. 1 ear:
husks, fresh-looking just before cooking. gallon of water if desired. Microwave 2 to 3 minutes,
silk, plump but not Heat to boiling. Cover and turning once. Let stand 2
too large kernels. boil 6 to 8 minutes. minutes. 2 ears: Microwave
Steam: Covered 5 to 7 3 to 4 minutes, turning
minutes or until tender. once. Let stand 2 minutes.
4 ears: Microwave 6 to 8
minutes, turning once. Let
stand 2 minutes.
Eggplant Just before cooking, wash Boil: Covered 5 to 8 Cubes--Place in 1 1/2-quart
(1 1/2 pounds eggplant peel if desired. minutes or until tender. casserole add 2 table-
1 medium) Cut into 1/2-inch cubes Sauté: Melt 3 to 4 table- spoons water. Cover.
or 1/4-inch slices. spoons butter or margarine Microwave 7 to 9 minutes,
Choose smooth, in 10-inch skillet over stirring twice, until tender.
glossy, taut-skinned medium-high heat. Cook Let stand 5 minutes. Slices--
eggplant that is free eggplant in butter uncovered Arrange slices, overlapping,
from blemishes and 5 to 10 minutes, stirring in a circle around edge of 9-
rust spots. Caps and frequently, until tender. inch pie plate add 2 table-
stems should be Steam: Covered 5 to 7 spoons water. Cover with
intact and free of minutes or until tender. vented plastic wrap. Micro-
mold. wave 5 to 7 minutes or until
tender. Let stand 5 minutes.
Fennel Remove feathery tops (slice Boil: Covered 8 to 11 Place in 1-quart casserole:
(1 pound to use as a seasoning) minutes or until tender. add 2 tablespoons water.
3 to 4 medium) and tough or discolored Steam: Covered 12 to 15 Cover. Microwave 4 1/2
outer ribs trim base. Cut minutes or until tender. to 5 1/2 minutes or until
Choose compact, bulbs lengthwise into fourths crisp-tender. Let stand 2
unblemished, smooth, minutes.
whitish-green bulbs
without cracks. Tops
should be fresh and
Greens: Beet, Remove root ends and Cook: For greens except For beet tops, chicory or esca-
Chicory, Collards, imperfect leaves. Wash several spinach, cover and cook with role, place in 2-quart casse-
Escarole, Kale, times in water, lifting just the water that clings to role add 2 tablespoons
Mustard, Spinach, out each time drain. leaves over medium-high water. Cover. Microwave 8
Swiss Chard, Turnip heat 8 to 10 minutes or until to 10 minutes, stirring once,
(1 pound) tender. For spinach, cover and until tender. For collards,
cook with just the water that kale, mustard, spinach, Swiss
Choose tender, young, clings to the leaves over chard or turnip, place in 2-
unblemished leaves medium-high heat 3 to 5 quart casserole add 2 table-
with bright green minutes or until tender. spoons water. Cover. Micro-
color. wave 4 to 6 minutes, stirring
once, until tender.
Kohlrabi Cut off root ends and tops. Boil: Covered 15 to Place in 1-quart casserole:
(1 pound 4 medium) Wash peel thinly. Cut 20 minutes or until tender add 2 tablespoons water.
into 1/2-inch pieces or cubes. Steam: Covered 8 to 12 Cover. Microwave 3 1/2 to
Choose firm, purple- minutes or until tender. 5 minutes, stirring once,
tinged white bulbs until tender. Let stand 2
with no soft spots or minutes
yellowing leaf tips.
Those under 3 inches
in diameter are most
Leeks Remove green tops to within Boil: Covered 10 to 12 Place in 1-quart casserole:
(2 pounds 6 medium) 2 inches of white part (reserve minutes or until tender. add 2 tablespoons water.
Choose white bulbs greens for soup or stew). Peel Steam: Covered 10 to 12 Cover. Microwave 4 to 5
with pliable, crisp, outside layer of bulbs. Wash minutes or until tender. minutes, stirring once, until
green tops. Bulbs less leeks several times in cold tender. Let stand 2 minutes.
than 1 1/2 inches in water drain. Cut large leeks
diameter are the lengthwise into fourths.
most tender.
Mushrooms Rinse mushrooms trim off Sauté: Whole or slices--Melt Whole or slices--Place in
(1 pound) stem ends. Do not peel. 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1-quart casserole add 1
Leave whole, or cut into in 10-inch skillet over tablespoon butter, margarine
Choose creamy 1/4-inch slices. medium-high heat. Cook or vegetable oil. Cover with
white to light brown mushrooms in butter uncov- paper towel. Microwave 3 to
caps, closed around ered 4 to 5 minutes, stirring 4 minutes or until tender.
the stems if slightly frequently, until tender.
open, gills should be Steam: Covered 4 to 5
light pink or tan. minutes or until tender.
Okra Wash okra remove ends. Boil: Uncovered about 10 Whole--Place in 1-quart
(1 pound) Leave whole, or cut into minutes or until tender. casserole add 1/4 cup
1/2-inch slices. Steam: Covered 6 to 8 water. Cover. Microwave
Choose tender, minutes or until tender. 5 to 6 minutes, stirring once
unblemished, bright until tender. Let stand
green pods, less than 2 minutes.
4 inches long.
Onions, White, Peel onions in cold water to Bake: Place large onions in Whole-Place in 1 1/2-quart
Yellow or Red prevent eyes from watering. ungreased baking dish. Pour casserole add 1/4 cup
(1 1/2 pounds 8 to See cooking directions for water into dish until 1/4 inch water. Cover. Microwave
10 small) piece size. deep. Cover and bake in 350° 7 to 9 minutes or until
over 40 to 50 minutes or tender. Let stand 2 minutes.
Choose firm, well- until tender.
shaped onions with Boil: Small--covered 15 to 20
unblemished, papery minutes. Large--covered 30 to
skins and no 35 minutes or until tender.
sign of sprouting. Sauté: Cut onions into 1/4-inch
slices. Melt 3 to 4 tablespoons
butter, margarine or olive or
vegetable oil in 10-inch skillet
over medium-high heat. Cook
onions in butter uncovered 6 to
9 minutes, stirring frequently,
until tender.
Steam: Small--covered 15 to
20 minutes. Large--covered
30 to 35 minutes or until
Parsnips Scrape or peel. Leave whole, Boil: Whole or halves-- Slices or strips--Place in
(1 1/2 pounds 6 to or cut into halves or fourths covered 10 to 15 minutes. 1-quart casserole add 2
8 medium) or 1/4-inch slices or strips. Slices or strips--covered 7 tablespoons water. Cover.
to 9 minutes or until tender. Microwave 5 to 6 minutes,
Choose firm, nicely Steam: Whole or halves-- stirring once, until tender.
shaped, unblemished covered 15 to 20 minutes. Let stand 2 minutes.
parsnips that are not Slices or strips--covered 8 to
too wide. 10 minutes or until tender.
Pea Pods, Snow Wash pods remove tips Boil: Boil uncovered 2 to Place in 1-quart casserole
(Chinese) and strings. 3 minutes, stirring with just the water that
(1 pound) occasionally, until crisp-tender clings to the pea pods.
Steam: Covered 3 to 5 Cover. Microwave 6 to 7
Choose flat, crisp and minutes or until crisp-tender. minutes, stirring once, until
evenly green pods with crisp-tender. Let stand 2
a velvety feel. minutes.
Peas, Green Wash and shell peas just Boil: Boil uncovered 5 to 10 Place peas with just the
(2 pounds) before cooking. minutes or until tender. water that clings to them in
Steam: Covered 8 to 10 1-quart casserole. Cover.
Choose plump, tender, minutes or until tender. Microwave 4 to 6 minutes,
bright green pods. stirring once, until tender.
Let stand 2 minutes.
Peas, Sugar Snap Snip off stem ends and Boil: Boil uncovered 4 to 5 Microwave: Place in 1-quart
(1 pound) remove strings if present. minutes, stirring occasion- casserole with just the water
ally, until crisp-tender. that clings to the pea pods.
Choose smooth bright- Steam: Covered 6 to 7 Cover. Microwave 6 to 7
green pods that are minutes or until crisp-tender. minutes, stirring once, until
filled with peas. crisp-tender.
Peppers, Bell Wash peppers remove Sauté: Slices or rings--Melt Place peppers with just the
(2 medium stems, seeds and membranes. 1 to 2 tablespoons butter or water that clings to them
1/2 pound) Leave whole to stuff and bake, margarine in 10-inch skillet in 1-quart casserole.
or cut into thin slices or rings. over medium-high heat. Cover. Microwave 3 to 4
Choose well-shaped, Cook peppers in butter minutes, stirring once, until
shiny, bright-colored, uncovered 3 to 5 minutes, crisp-tender. Let stand
unblemished peppers stirring frequently, until 2 minutes.
with firm sides. crisp-tender.
Steam: Slices or rings-covered
4 to 6 minutes or until
Potatoes, New Scrub potatoes. Boil: Place potatoes in 2- Place in 1 1/2-quart casse-
(1 1/2 pounds new quart saucepan. Add water role add 1/4 cup water.
potatoes 10 to 12) just to cover. Heat to boiling Cover. Microwave 9 to 11
reduce heat to low. Boil minutes, stirring once, until
Choose nicely shaped, gently (simmer) covered 15 tender. Let stand 5 minutes.
smooth, firm potatoes to 20 minutes or until tender.
with unblemished skins Steam: Covered 18 to 22
(some are very minutes or until tender.
delicate). Choose
potatoes of similar size,
about 1 1/2 inches in
Potatoes, Sweet, Scrub potatoes, but do not Bake: Bake uncovered in 375° Whole: Pierce potatoes to
and Yams peel. To bake--Pierce potatoes oven about 45 minutes, in allow steam to escape.
(4 medium to allow steam to escape. 350° oven about 1 hour, in Arrange on paper towel in
1 1/2 pounds) To boil or steam--Leave 325° oven about 1 hour spoke pattern with narrow
whole, or cut into large 15 minutes or until tender. ends in center. Microwave
Choose nicely pieces. Boil: Place potatoes in 2- 9 to 11 minutes, turning once,
shaped, quart saucepan. Add water until tender. Cover and let
smooth, firm just to cover. Heat to boiling stand 5 minutes.
potatoes with even- reduce heat to low. Boil
colored skins. (See gently (simmer) covered:
varieties of potatoes, Whole--20 to 25 minutes or
page 512.) Choose until tender. Pieces--10 to 15
potatoes of similar minutes or until tender.
size. Steam: Whole--covered 15 to
20 minutes or until tender.
Potatoes, White To bake--Choose potatoes Bake: Bake uncovered in Whole--Pierce potatoes to
and Red of similar size. Scrub 375° oven 1 hour to 1 hour allow steam to escape. Place
(6 medium potatoes, but do not peel 15 minutes, in 350° oven on paper towels. 1 potato:
2 pounds) if desired, rub with shortening 1 hour 15 minutes to Microwave 4 to 5 minutes,
for softer skins. Pierce 1 hour 30 minutes, in 325° turning once, until tender.
Choose nicely potatoes to allow steam to oven about 1 hour 30 Cover, let stand 5 minutes.
shaped, smooth, firm escape.To boil or steam-- minutes or until tender. 2 potatoes: Microwave 6 to
potatoes with Scrub potatoes. Leave skins Boil: Place potatoes in 8 minutes, turning once,
unblemished skins, on whenever possible, or 2-quart saucepan. Add water until tender. Cover let stand
free from discolor- peel thinly and remove just to cover. Heat to boiling 5 minutes. 3 potatoes:
ation. eyes. Leave whole, or cut into reduce heat to low. Boil Arrange in spoke pattern
large pieces. gently(simmer) covered: with narrow ends in center
Whole or pieces--20 to 30 Microwave 8 to 10 minutes,
minutes or until tender. turning once, until tender.
Steam: Covered 30 to 35 Cover let stand 5 minutes.
minutes or until tender. 4 potatoes: Arrange in spoke
pattern with narrow ends in
center Microwave 12 to 14
minutes, turning once, until
tender. Cover let stand 5
Rutabagas Wash rutabagas peel Boil: Covered 20 to 25 Place in 2-quart casserole:
(1 1/2 pounds thinly. Cut into 1/2-inch minutes or until tender. add 1/4 cup water. Cover.
2 medium) cubes or 2-inch pieces. Steam: Covered 20 to 25 Microwave 13 to 15 minutes,
minutes or until tender. stirring twice, until tender.
Choose rutabagas Let stand 5 minutes.
that are heavy, well
shaped (round or
elongated) and
Squash, Summer Wash squash remove stem Boil: Slices--uncovered 5 to Place in 1 1/2-quart
(Chayote, and blossom ends, but do 10 minutes. Cubes--uncov- casserole add 1 tablespoon
Crookneck, not peel. Cut small squash ered 3 to 6 minutes or until water. Cover. Microwave
Green Zucchini, in half. Cut large squash tender. 4 to 6 minutes, stirring
Pattypan, into 1/2-inch slices or cubes. Steam: Covered 5 to 7 once, until almost tender.
Straightneck, minutes or until tender. Let stand 2 minutes.
Yellow Zucchini)
(1 1/2 pounds)
Choose squash that
are heavy in relation
to size, with smooth
and glossy skin. Small
squash are more
Squash, Winter Wash squash. To bake-- Bake: Place squash halves, For whole squash except
(Acorn, Buttercup, Cut each squash lengthwise cut sides up, in ungreased spaghetti--Pierce with knife
Butternut, in half remove seeds and 13 x 9-inch baking dish. in several places to allow
Spaghetti) and fibers. To boil--Peel squash Sprinkle cut sides with salt steam to escape. Place on
Pumpkin if desired. Cut into 1-inch and pepper. Dot with butter paper towel. Microwave
(2 pounds) slices or cubes. or margarine. Pour water uncovered 5 minutes or until
into dish until 1/4 inch deep. squash feels warm to the
Choose squash that Cover and bake in 400° oven touch. Cut in half remove
are heavy in relation 30 to 40 minutes, in 350° seeds. Arrange halves, cut
to size, with good oven about 40 minutes, in sides down, in shallow dish.
yellow-orange color 325°oven about 45 minutes Microwave 5 to 8 minutes,
and hard, tough rinds or until tender. or until tender. Let stand
with no soft spots. Boil: Slices or cubes--covered 5 minutes.
10 to 15 minutes or until For whole spaghetti--Pierce
tender. with knife in several places
Steam: Slices--covered 12 to to allow steam to escape.
15 minutes. Cubes--covered Place on paper towel. Micro-
7 to 10 minutes or until wave uncovered 18 to 23
tender. minutes, turning once, until
tender. Let stand 10 min-
utes. Cut in half remove
seeds and fibers.
Turnips Cut off tops. Wash turnips Boil: Whole--covered 25 Pieces--Place in 1-quart
(1 pound 4 medium) peel thinly. Leave whole, to 30 minutes. Pieces-- casserole add 2 tablespoons
or cut into 1/2-inch pieces. covered 15 to 20 minutes water. Cover. Microwave
Choose turnips that or until tender. 6 to 8 minutes, stirring
are smooth, round Steam: Pieces--covered 15 once, until tender.
and firm, with fresh to 20 minutes or Let stand 2 minutes.
tops. until tender.
This FRESH VEGETABLE COOKING CHART recipe is from the Betty Crocker's Cookbook, 9th Edition Cookbook. Download this Cookbook today.
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